If you're dissatisfied with the appearance of your teeth due to chips, stains, or irregular shapes, veneers can be the solution to revitalize your smile.
A confident smile can have a significant impact on your overall look and self-assurance. Our comprehensive range of cosmetic dentistry treatments is designed to help you achieve the smile you've always desired. To begin the transformation process, we conduct a detailed smile assessment, discussing your likes and dislikes about your smile. Based on this assessment, we explore treatment options that can enhance the natural beauty and youthfulness of your smile.
Dental veneers are one of the most conservative restorations available in cosmetic dentistry. These thin porcelain strips are custom-made to cover the front surface of a tooth. Porcelain is chosen for its ability to match the color of your natural teeth closely. Veneers are a minimally invasive option, preserving most of your original tooth structure. Essentially, veneers offer a "new face" to your tooth, making them indispensable tools in cosmetic dentistry.
The veneer procedure typically involves two appointments. During the first visit, the dentist prepares your tooth for veneer placement. After a couple of weeks, the permanent veneer is securely bonded to your tooth.
The process of getting dental veneers begins with the dentist removing a minimal amount of enamel from the front surface of your tooth, typically less than 1 millimeter. In many cases, this procedure does not require local anesthesia. To ensure optimal bonding, the dentist focuses on removing as little enamel as possible, as veneers adhere more effectively to the outer tooth structure.
Following the enamel preparation, we take an impression of your teeth, which is sent to a dental lab. The lab crafts a personalized veneer that fits your smile comfortably. To expose more of your tooth for the impression, the dentist may gently move the gums using a retraction cord. Your gum line returns to its original position after the impression is complete. A tray filled with paste is used to make a mold of your teeth, taking a few minutes to set.
While waiting for your permanent veneer from the lab, you might receive a temporary veneer if necessary. This temporary covering is used if a significant amount of enamel has been removed, potentially making your tooth more sensitive or susceptible to damage.
During your last appointment, the personalized veneer is attached to your tooth. The dentist may make adjustments to ensure the veneer looks and feels natural. If you have any concerns about your smile's appearance during this stage, please feel free to share them with us. Your satisfaction is essential to us.
Once the veneer is perfectly trimmed and fitted, the dentist applies bonding cement to your tooth and secures the veneer in place using a special blue light. After a final check to ensure a snug fit, you're ready to dazzle with your new smile!
Proper care and maintenance are crucial to prolong the lifespan of your veneer, which can last over ten years. We will provide you with specific instructions and precautions, including a list of foods to avoid. If you grind your teeth at night, you may need a night guard to protect your veneer.
Discover the potential of veneers to enhance your smile by giving us a call today!
Quick Information
At Wellness Dental Group, we take pride in setting ourselves apart from other dental practices in La Jolla and Poway.
Our commitment to the community extends beyond dental care, as we consider ourselves part of a network of caretakers who prioritize the health and well-being of our friends and neighbors in La Jolla, Poway, and the surrounding areas. As a locally-owned practice, we are part of a legacy of providing top-quality general dentistry.